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Need Help? Start Here

Get Help for Health Problems, Drugs & Alcohol, Stress & Depression

Tune Me is here to help. Browse our menu sections for sexual health advice. If you need to talk to someone or get help try the options below:

Kagisano Society Women’s shelter either SMS their help line on 16510 or call 74265081 Women against Rape Emergency line: 71311244 Childline: 3900900 Any police station near you

Talking to someone who can help is often a good start.

Why not try: A responsible adult you trust Your friends
A health centre near you
Youth friendly corners in clinics and hospitals
School guidance and counselling clubs

Try one of these organisations for help

Botswana Substance Abuse Support Network (BOSASNET)
P O Box 53726 Gaborone Tel: 3959119 Fax: 3951333

Anti – Tobacco Network
P O Box 4688 Gaborone Tel: 355 5238 Fax: 3185097

Botswana Alcohol Industry Association
P O Box 81939 Gaborone Tel: 3165407 / 71327472 Fax: 3165408

Omahau Wellness Centre
P O Box 47256 Gaborone Tel: 3905432 / 71259525 / 71572055

Botswana Counselling Association
P O Box 80060 Gaborone Tel: 355 2404

Botswana Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (BAPR)
P O Box 1024 Lobatse Tel; 5300437

Love Botswana Outreach
P O Box 299 Maun Tel: 6860795

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